new news




Hello, future mother! There's a lot you don't know about your infant, including what to expect week by week and how to get through the newborn stage.

 In those first few weeks, your body and your baby will go through so many changes that it's hard to know how to prepare yourself.

Your baby will be tired and conscious throughout the first week of his life. Over the next several weeks, he will become more aware of his environment, begin to establish a sleep and eating regimen, and increase muscle tone. He may also start responding to noises and expressions more.

You won't remember what those first few days and weeks were like once your baby is a newborn.

But, for now, you can simply focus on getting through each day and week while you and your child ride this amazing life-changing roller coaster together. Keep reading to find out what you can expect week after week with your newborn.

Week by Week Expectations with a Newborn (Everything You Need to Know)

I believe in planning ahead by researching what to expect, but without getting caught up in the details. It doesn't mean it will happen to your child just because it happened to another girl.

Prepare for what may come, but don't get too caught up in it. The newborn period can be daunting, and after going through it three times I've found that the best way to get through it is to live in the present and accept that it will pass before I know it.

With that out of the way, let's go over what you might expect.

week 1

One week is full of surprises. Your body will continue to recover when you have a new, beautiful baby. This week is all about getting to know your child and connecting with him or her.

Your baby will be very tired and may need help getting up for a feeding. Allow your body to recover and relax in between the sensations.

This week, here are some things you and your baby should look forward to: Your baby's vision is limited to 6 inches in front of his face.

While feeding her, this is the perfect distance between your eyes and your eyes. Make eye contact with your child to connect with and appreciate him. She will kick her legs and move her arms a lot.

Plus, she'll be shocked if she feels too exposed. Swaddle her whenever you can to keep her safe.

His nails will be so sharp! Since you don't want him to scratch you or his face, you may want to get gloves or a one-piece with hand covers. It will take 72 hours for the milk to arrive.

You'll start feeding immediately with life-giving colostrum, but the milk won't arrive for a few days. When you learn how to get enough, you may notice some sensitivity and tightness in your nipples...

week 2

By the second week, sleep deprivation will begin. The good news is that your body will begin to recover and will be better equipped to handle the lack of sleep.

Your newborn's schedule will still be erratic, but you'll have a better understanding of its signs, and nursing will become more predictable.

This week, here are some things you and your baby should look forward to:

Your child may be more attentive than usual. and stare around, even though she only sees 6 inches in front of her. Make sure your nipples are in good shape.

If you are a breastfeeding mother. Using lotion or a pad can help to protect them from breaking or bleeding. If you're feeling down or overwhelmed, get the support of a lactation consultant.

You can entertain your child by reading books or singing to them. At this age, they don't need much stimulation because the whole world is new to them!

 week 3

By this time, you will have settled into the newborn stage, bearing the lack of sleep in exchange for baby hugs and sweet perfumes. As a reward for your efforts, you can even peek at a real smile!

Do not be discouraged if your child is not yet smiling; Many children take their time to stare around and are less socially involved at first.

This week, here are some things you and your baby should look forward to She may be able to start raising her head higher and showing better muscle control.

Instead of a sparkling eye expression, she could start cooing repeatedly and staring straight at you. Your milk stock will have been established for a long time.

You may be able to start saving more now that you earn enough. To keep it simple between feedings, invest in a suitable pump or silicone suction cup.

You may begin to detect a pattern in your sleeping and waking hours. Especially during times when your child is more attentive and responsive.

It is possible to get your first real smile! Every baby is unique, but many newborns smile for the first time in the third or fourth week. Enjoy - Enjoy yourself!

 week 4

You will probably now be more comfortable with your child's daily requirements.As you return to the world with caution, you will adjust to your family's new normal and learn how to reconcile with it.

This week, here are some things you and your baby should look forward to: Your body will continue to feel better over time.

You'll be more active, and your postpartum bleeding is more likely to end, which reduces anxiety! Your child's neck strength will continue to improve.

As you talk to her, she may start to turn her head a little. Tummy time, for example, will be beneficial for your baby. Keep exposing him to beneficial muscle-building exercises, even if it's not his favorite.

Between 6 p.m. and 12 a.m., you may experience a colicky phase, sometimes known as the 'witching hour'.

When your baby is upset or crying a lot. It's normal for newborns to be cranky at night, but if you think it's getting out of hand, Consult his doctor about possible options.

weeks 5 and 6

Although the past 4 weeks have been a blur, by week 5 you should be able to get out of it for a while.

Your baby may start sleeping for longer periods between nighttime feedings, and you'll likely feel more comfortable with your schedule.

If your baby isn't sleeping well, take a look at these suggestions on what to do if your newborn is having trouble sleeping.

What to expect for you and your baby in the coming weeks:

You can begin to notice more intentional linguistic clues. Her cries will be more focused, and her jerks will be more intentional.

During tummy time, he should be able to raise his head 45 degrees while on his tummy. Keep helping him grow those beautiful little muscles.

He can start rolling from his back to his stomach! Even if it's not fully mobile yet, be careful not to leave it in high places and keep the floor clear of hard elements.

You may hear the first baby laugh! Don't worry if it takes a little longer to achieve that laugh; Every child is unique, and personality plays a huge role.

8 to 10 weeks

As the newborn stage gives way to the "baby" stage, you may find yourself looking at old photos of your brand new baby and getting to know this little one!

They, like you, have gone through many changes in the first few weeks. Still unable to sleep through the night.

But ideally, you will sleep for longer periods. Set a consistent nighttime schedule for her and teach her to understand the signs of sleep.

Newborns are precious and beautiful, but they can also be terrifying and adorable. Allow adjustments to develop naturally as your child improves sleep and nutrition and your body heals by taking breaks as often as possible.

As your baby grows, you will notice amazing muscle and language development.
It pays to be prepared as a new parent so that you know what to expect from your new child. Just remember that every child is unique and will reach these milestones at their own pace!
