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Does the placenta come out on its own after birth?


 Does the placenta come out on its own after birth?

Your hard work is done! Finally, the precious kid of your dreams is in your arms, and the hardest part of childbirth is almost over. All that's left to do is, so to speak, tie up the loose ends, which entails delivering your placenta, also known as the afterbirth.

This particular moment during labor and delivery is actually highly significant and, for some, quite symbolic.

In this article, we will learn more about the placenta, including what it is, how it works, when it develops, and when and how the placenta come out after birth.

What's the placenta and what's its function? 

The placenta is a flat, disk-shaped organ that is connected to the umbilical cord. Throughout the course of your pregnancy, this incredible organ:-

  • Gives your baby nutrition and oxygen.

  • Removes harmful waste and carbon dioxide from your child.

  • Produces hormones that support your child's growth.

  • Provides your baby with your immunity.

  • Protects your child.

Up until birth, it serves as the liver, kidneys, and lungs of your baby.

The placenta transfers antibodies to your baby to boost its immunity as labor approaches. Your infant will continue to have this immunity throughout the first few months of life.

During pregnancy, the placenta generates a number of vital hormones, including lactogen, estrogen, and progesterone. Both you and your unborn child will benefit from these pregnancy hormones. For instance, the placenta secretes a hormone that inhibits milk production during pregnancy.

When does the placenta begin to form?

Around seven to ten days after conception, the fertilized egg implants in your uterus, and the placenta starts to develop. Throughout your pregnancy, it keeps expanding to assist your growing kid. The placenta begins as a few cells and develops into a several-inch-long structure.

How does the placenta look like? 

At term, the placenta appears as a rough disc of tissue that is packed with blood veins and is dark red in color. The blood vessels dominate the mature placental tissue. Through the umbilical cord, they are connected to the infant, and they branch out across the placenta disc like the limbs of a tree.

The side that is linked to your uterus and the side that is closest to your child are the two sides of the placenta. The side that faces your baby is grey, whereas the side that is linked to your uterine wall has a dark reddish-blue tint.

When does the placenta come out?

Following the birth of your baby, the placenta is delivered between five and 30 minutes after. The third stage of labor or the afterbirth is what is being experienced here.

How does the placenta come out?

1_During vaginal birth:-

After the baby is delivered vaginally, the uterus will continue to contract. The placenta advances for birth due to these contractions. Fortunately, these contractions usually don't feel as intense as those during birth, and some women don't even notice them. To assist in advancing the placenta, your doctor may apply pressure to your stomach or ask you to push. In most cases, the placenta is delivered within five minutes of the baby's birth. However, some ladies may need more time.

Some ladies claim that they were initially so preoccupied with their unborn child that they failed to observe the delivery of the placenta. Others, however, report seeing a second gush of blood immediately following the birth of the placenta.

2_During cesarean birth:-

When you have a cesarean delivery, your doctor will surgically remove the placenta from the uterus before stitching up the stomach and uterus incisions.

In general, active management and physiological management are the two ways to finish the third stage of labor. However, combining the two is also an option.

What's the physiological (natural) third stage of labor?

Waiting for the placenta to naturally exit the uterus is referred to as the physiological or natural third stage.

Your doctor will postpone cutting the umbilical cord after your baby is born so that oxygenated blood can continue to flow from the placenta to your infant.

The placenta will separate from the uterine wall as your uterus contracts. The placenta will subsequently drop into your vagina and be available for removal by you.

What's the active third stage of labor?

After your baby is born, the midwife or doctor will inject you with oxytocin (with your permission), clamp and cut the umbilical cord, and then gently pull on the cord to hasten the delivery of the placenta.

The advantages of active third stage:

The benefit of an active third stage is a decreased likelihood of extremely excessive bleeding just after delivery. Having an active third stage is something your midwife or doctor will advise you to have if you experienced issues during your pregnancy or labor, such as:

  • Having twins.

  • An induced or protracted labor.

  • Aided birth.

  • Cesarean delivery.

  • Heavy bleeding during pregnancy or labor.

  • A history of placenta retention.

  • A low-lying placenta.

  • Anemia.

  • Polyhydramnios.

What's The modified active third stage?

This combines the physiological and active. Although it contains delayed cord clamping, it is similar to active third stage.

What's the most common placental disorder? 

During pregnancy:

  • placental abruption placenta previa placenta accreta

After pregnancy:
retained placenta is sometimes a concern.

What are the signs of placental disorders? 

The most typical symptom of a placenta problem is bleeding from the vagina. It's essential to talk to your healthcare professional about your pregnancy symptoms because not everyone experiences bleeding. An issue with the placenta may also be indicated by symptoms like contractions or stomach pain. Sometimes a baby that is too small for dates indicates that there is a placental issue.

After delivery, what happens to the placenta?

Your placenta is wasted annually after delivery. However, some people decide to use a stem cell bank to store placental tissue. After delivery, the placenta's tissue and blood are removed and kept in placental tissue banks. Stem cells, which can be used to cure a variety of diseases and potentially fatal disorders, are abundant in placental tissues.

In conclusion:

It can be an emotional experience to give birth. The placenta is typically delivered painlessly.

It frequently happens so rapidly after birth that the mother might not even realize it because they are so preoccupied with the baby. The placenta must, however, be delivered in its entirety.

Always let the hospital, doctors, and nurses know if you want to preserve your placenta before delivery to make sure it can be done safely.
